

People Bringing Us Down - Part 2

Nick: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/06/xbox-signed-by-sarah-pali_n_311465.html
Sent at 3:25 PM on Tuesday
Nick: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sarah-Palin-Signed-Autograph-XBOX-360_W0QQitemZ160367587544QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item2556a730d8
me: zero bids
Nick: 0 Feedback
Sent at 3:27 PM on Tuesday
me: she has like a buffett in front of her in those pics
Nick: she's like Jesus
feeding the people
the masses
Sent at 3:29 PM on Tuesday
me: she is like jesus ur right never really thought of it like that, palin 2012 yall
Nick: she has almost 1 term of being a governor under her belt!!!
and she was raised from the dead on the 3rd day!
Sent at 3:32 PM on Tuesday
me: dude if she wants to run she would raise the $
the polarization in the news media is worst thing for politics and america
far right and far left sells
Nick: well, conservatives love her
and so do stupid people
so BAM instant cash
me: they're both equally wrong
Nick: those are the individuals that donate
the media may mock her for shit like "death panels" but I bet thousands of people nodded their heads in agreement
it's free press!
me: see glenn beck's/that bitch on msnbc ratings
she was the one who started the death panels meme?
shes a meme machine
Nick: Nancy Grace?
she's nuts
me: yup but she prints coin
Nick: but another internet gold mine
I think the secret to success is to figure out what stupid people like and just say crazy shit
then they buy shit from you
me: so you have like 20 million of these ppl in each camp that fuck everything up for all sane people
yeah lets just sell out
well give it a ocuple years of trying to make it legit
and then we will cook up some insane shit to scare suburbia
Nick: sometimes, I think that the left and right work together to fuck shit up
and make money
yeah, I agree
