

Higher Edu Is Ponz

"The sticker price of colleges has gone up well over the rate of inflation, for decades," he said.
Indeed, if the price of gas had grown as much as the cost of a bachelor's degree since 1980, drivers would be filling up today for about $7.50 per gallon."
MSM common sense on higher edu bubble- Debt Filled (ABC News)

Nice directory/tutorial on algorithms (LINK)

New street high price target for Amazon issued by Shittygroup - $170 (AMZN) No denying that they are bellwether and one of the most important/innovative in tech space. Along with AMZN my best of breed large cap tech names remain Apple (AAPL), and Google (GOOG).

If you have even a toe dipped in the stock market some exposure in these names is a no brainer. Look to (QTEC) for a diversified vehicle to take advantage of all three. (It's the Nasdaq 100, which includes pretty big weights in all three). The estimates got jacked much higher and quite a few shorts have gotten comfortable in the name. They will shit themselves and cover their bets like they have before.

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